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Training – 6.2 Miles


It has been a log day. I am currently on my way back to Florida. This morning’s run feels like it happened ages ago; Boston is just a memory now. I am going to miss running there; the weather was nice and the scenery was gorgeous. Today I ran the same route as yesterday, but only one loop around the Common. It was exactly 6.2 miles long. The first mile I felt really sluggish. I was extremely tired and just wanted to get the run over with. By the time I reached the down hill exiting the Common I started to feel better and really found my pace. I finished the run in 55:37, and my fastest pace was 7:23!! That must have been when I sprinted to make a cross walk. It was a great run and a fun way to end my running adventures in Boston.
In Florida the adventure continues! Next Saturday I am going to being working at my first race, the Rock n Run 5k.  It is organized by Track Shack, so I will be working with them doing whatever is needed of me to pull off an awesome race! On the course there will be bands playing that are actually competing in a battle of the bands. It should be fun! The next day I start my half marathon training that’s leads up to my first half, the OUC Orlando Half Marathon. I really can’t wait for that race, though I am really nervous. After that it’s Princess Weekend in February! And maybe Star Wars in April? In between races I plan on finding running groups and different cross training classes. And of course the blog posts about it all!
As I leave Boston I just want to say how inspired I am by the city. Boston is the reason I started running about a year and a half ago. The running community there is so great and supportive of each other. It was truly amazing to watch and I’m glad I got to be a part of it, even if it was only for a little while. I may be back someday, but for now it’s back to life in Florida. Until then, keep running Boston!

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